The London Coordinating Committee to End Woman Abuse (LCCEWA) is a coalition of individuals and agencies from multiple sectors including justice, violence against women, healthcare, education, children’s services, research, housing, mental health, and counselling. Through coordination, we can enhance the collective quality of service provision, support system navigation, decrease service gaps, and raise awareness of gender-based violence in our community. By sharing and learning, we achieve together what we are unable to do alone.

  • Celebrate & Acknowledge - John Robinson Award (see John Robinson Award document)

  • Prevention & Education - Workplace Violence - Make it Our Business Domestic Violence in the Workplace (see Make it Our Business document)

  • Engaging Men to Increase Safety for Women & Children

  • Advocacy & Coordination - Coordinating our community response by working collaboratively with Building a Bigger Wave, a provincial network of violence against women coordinating committees (www.buildingabiggerwave.org)


The LCCEWA is a network of organizations, groups and individuals dedicated to ending woman abuse through leadership and actions that achieve both social justice for women and an integrated response to abused women and their children

Le CCLEVFF est un réseau composé d'organisations, de groupes et d'individus de London qui se consacrent à mettre fin à la violence envers les femmes par le biais d'un leadership et d'actions visant à la fois la justice sociale pour les femmes et à apporter une réponse globale aux femmes maltraitées et à leurs enfants.


Through a coordinated response, we will strive to end violence against women and children, including sexual violence

Nous nous efforcerons, par une réponse coordonnée, de mettre fin à la violence envers les femmes et les enfants, y compris l'agression sexuelle.


We believe ~

  • In a feminist approach to woman abuse

  • In the equitable access to quality services, resources and justice for abused women and their children

  • That the community must assume responsibility for the safety of women

  • That those who abuse must be held accountable for their actions

  • In a diverse LCCEWA that supports inclusiveness and full participation

  • In working in a manner that challenges all forms of oppression and fosters openness in identifying and responding to emerging issues and needs

  • That a coordinated network is the preferred basis for the sharing of resources and information & relationship building

  • That the LCCEWA has the right and responsibility to demand the accountability of its members to these beliefs